Practice Knowledge Exam
Test your knowledge before going to take the Written Knowledge Exam. We have free or premium choices.
Available in English and Spanish.
We'll Get You
On The Road!
ABC Driving School & Testing Center is a DOL approved Testing Center. If you’re a beginner we can teach you from step one everything you’ll need to know to get a driver’s license. For seasoned drivers, we’ll only administer the tests you require. In addition, we offer testing in multiple languages and have helped people from all around the world learn to drive!

Learn Skills
At ABC Driving School, you will learn from state-certified instructors in an interactive atmosphere. We will teach you how to control your vehicle in hazardous conditions, under unexpected circumstances, and in severe weather. For your convenience, can book only the lessons you need. If you just need a refresher, schedule a one hour session. Or, if you need to learn from the start, sign up for one of our full courses.
ABC Driving School offers lessons to anyone over the age of 15.
Class Updates
Spring 2025 schedule is now up. Sign up now. Space is limited.

Teaching Across Barriers
We train and test people from all over the world.
We have picture based testing for those who don’t speak fluent English and offer the driving knowledge exam in 7 different languages: English, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese.
Contact Us
16300 Aurora Ave N Ste. D
Shoreline, WA 98133
Phone: 206-629-4947
Fax: 206-629-5176
19720 44th Ave W Ste. J
Lynnwood, WA 98036
Phone: 425-361-1750
Fax: 425-361-1611